Sunday 3 February 2008

Sunday night and we're tired but happy

What a day. I was up at 7 and on my way at 8 to take two services at a church 10 miles from here while D got the boys ready for a local covenant service. Met back home at 12:30 for lunch, watched Evan Almighty on DVD while the boys played computer games and then had a nap before shooting out with all three in tow for a service this afternoon at which I was planned to do the children's workshop. D had another covenant service this evening. When I got home (before him) I spent the time getting the boys ready for bed, setting out their clothes for tomorrow and preparing their lunches, in addition to sorting out the logistics of a trip an hour south of here for a diaconal placement I need to do this month. Have just finished a well-needed cuppa rooibos and am just about ready to go to bed myself. GMT is 21:25. Not a bad day weather-wise - quite sunny with blue patches and not so unbearably cold as the last few days.